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Fetching Data with httpx in Python

This example demonstrates the use of the httpx library to fetch data from a URL asynchronously in Python. Asynchronous programming enables you to perform multiple tasks concurrently, making your applications more efficient and responsive.


import httpx

async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
    url = ""
    response = await client.get(url)"Status: {response.status_code}")"Content-type: {response.headers['content-type']}")

    text = response.text
    # json = response.json()
    return [{ "data": text }]

In this code, the httpx library is utilized within an asynchronous function fetch_data to send an HTTP GET request to a specified URL. The response status code and content type are logged, and the response text is stored for further processing.


Fetching data from external sources asynchronously involves the following key components:

  1. Importing httpx: Import the httpx library, which provides a user-friendly interface for making HTTP requests.
  2. Using AsyncClient: Create an asynchronous HTTP client using the AsyncClient class from httpx. The async with statement ensures that the client is used within an asynchronous context and is properly closed after the request is completed.
  3. Sending an Async GET Request: Use the client.get(url) method to send an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the specified URL. The await keyword is used to await the response without blocking the execution of other tasks.
  4. Handling Response: Extract information from the response object, such as the status code and content type. In this example, the status code and content type are logged for debugging purposes.
  5. Processing Response Data: The response text can be further processed, parsed, or used as needed within your application. Additionally, you can uncomment the response.json() line if the response content is in JSON format, enabling you to work directly with JSON data.


The httpx library is a robust and versatile tool for making asynchronous HTTP requests in Python. It provides a convenient interface for sending requests and handling responses efficiently. By understanding and utilizing httpx in your applications, you can interact with external APIs and web services asynchronously, ensuring your applications remain responsive and performant even when dealing with multiple concurrent requests.