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Application settings

Connector repository

  • URL: URL address of the connector store.
  • Access Token: Access token enabling access to the connector store.

Data retention

  • System log (days): System logs older than specified number of days are deleted by DB maintenance job.
  • Job log (days): Job logs older than specified number of days are deleted by DB maintenance job.
  • Query store log (days): Query store logs older than specified number of days are deleted by DB maintenance job.
  • Agent log (days): Agent logs older than specified number of days are deleted by DB maintenance job.


  • Show Task run ID: If checked, Task Run ID columns will appear in Task run viewer, Endpoint data viwer and task run status list item.

Endpoint response

  • Format of error messages: If any error occurs while calling endpoint bound task, error messages can be returned either as an array or as a concatenated single line string.
  • Include sensitive error messages: If checked, endpoint error response will also contain log messages marked as "sensitive".
  • Success response of endpoint: The response status code that is returned on success when calling the endpoint.


  • SMTP mail server: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Server port: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Use SSL: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Notification email address: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Email authorization account: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Email authorization password: To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Email timeout (s): To be defined + Use environment variable
  • Notifications enabled: To be defined + Use environment variable


  • String dispose size (kB): If disposing task run data is enabled, string objects larger than specified size are stored into database and memory is released.
  • Base64 dispose size (kB): If disposing task run data is enabled, Base64 objects larger than specified size are stored into database and memory is released.
  • JSON dispose size (kB): If disposing task run data is enabled, JSON objects larger than specified size are stored into database and memory is released.


  • Enable reCaptcha: Enable reCaptcha on login / reset password form.
  • Public site reCaptcha key: Public site reCaptcha key.
  • Secret site reCaptcha key: Secret site reCaptcha key.


  • Enable LiveChat: Enables or disables Livechat support. (Livechat may not appear when enabled becaues of license restriction)


  • HTTP address of application server: Backward URL used for links in notification emails and for building agent's configuration file.
  • Task orchestrator idle delay (ms): When no new scheduled task runs are available in database, orchestrator waits for the specified time before next check. Minimum is 50ms.
  • Behind a proxy: If system runs behind a proxy server, incoming IP address (of remote agent, endpoint dat, etc.) is taken from X-Forwarded-For header.
  • Azure AD client id: Enables login in to Integray using Azure AD.
  • External javascript source: Enables including JavaScript into each administration page.
  • Published indication Duration of the success button display after successful publishing in seconds.
  • Time zone Enable to change the current time zone (default configuration is Etc/UTC). The changes must be published using the Publish button across all companies to ensure that the new settings are applied. Time conversion from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to the specified time zone considers the parameters of the Gregorian calendar.

Time zone and scheduling jobs

The time zone respects changes between Standard time and Daylight saving time. You can always schedule jobs and tasks, whether for a Single fire run or a CRON schedule, according to the current time in your time zone.

Example: If you create a trigger to fire every day at 10:00 AM, before and after daylight savings time switches, it will continue to do so. However, depending on whether it was the Spring or Autumn daylight savings event for that particular Sunday, the actual time interval between the firing of the trigger on Sunday at 10:00 AM since its firing on Saturday at 10:00 AM will not be 24 hours. It will be 23 or 25 hours, respectively.